Every ingredient in The Ivory Caps "Skin Essential Glutathione Complex" has been clinically tested to provide maximum skin enhancement benefit.

Glutathione - "Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant and best kept secret to maintaining health." - Theodore Hersh, M.D., Harvard graduate, Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, Emory University.

Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. The presence of Glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. Glutathione is involved in detoxification, it binds to toxins, such as heavy metals, solvents, and pesticides, and transforms them into a form that can be excreted in urine or bile. Glutathione is also an important antioxidant. In preliminary research, Glutathione intake has been associated with protection against some forms of cancer, higher Glutathione levels have also been associated with good health in older adults.

Glutathione neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals. Glutathione helps to protect the mitochondria (the cell's energy production unit) and the cell membrane. Glutathione also helps to protect against DNA damage. Glutathione are necessary for supporting the immune system, glutathione is required for replication of the lymphocyte immune cells.